Tuesday, January 10, 2012


Either I made my goals a tad too easy to achieve, or I might actually have enough oomph in me to see them through.  I still haven't had caffinated soda, and it's Day 10.  I've actually cut almost all carbonated stuff out & am sticking with my splenda kool-aid instead.  The kids drink it, so it's something I have to keep on hand anyway... I just make a 2 Qt container for myself - to make sure I'm getting at LEAST that much "water" in each day.  So far, I think the weekend days were the only days I didn't achieve that... and mostly, that was because I was only home 40% of the day.  LOL!

As far as my exercise goes, I'm going to try some slow walking on the treadmill this evening.  My back is about 99% healed, and my hip really only gets naggy after lying on it for too long at night.  So, we'll see how that goes...

here comes the 2 year old monster..  more later.  *sigh*

Sunday, January 1, 2012

Day 1

Starting 2012 out with one goal in mind - HEALTH.  Physical, mental, emotional... the whole nine yards.  While I've already completed a couple 13.1 races, what I really want, is to RUN a race.  So, my 1st goal is the Go! St. Louis 5k in April. Granted, I'm still on the mend from throwing my back out last Tuesday while lifting a car off a small trapped toddler... lugging myself off the floor at Miss Pattie's small taste of Hell, so there isn't a whole lot I can do for physical activity right now.  But, I can start small. Today, I'll drink my last soda. Tomorrow, no more soda caffinated soda for a week. That should be enough time for a decent detox & then I can see if I've managed to not kill anyone. LOL!  I'll keep you posted!!  ;-)